Cognitive tests
A range of off the shelf cognitive assessments covering Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Critical Reasoning

The Cappfinity cognitive suite houses our cognitive assessments which are modular by design and can be used as a standalone, alongside our other assessments or blended into a fully immersive online experience. We offer item-banked measurement across numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, critical reasoning and judgment.

levelled solutions available that accurately determine the users proficiency
Item banked to ensure longevity and variety for repeated use

Can be contextualised to


to your brand and industry sector

spec 01
Use as a standalone solution for an initial measurement of proficiency or again as a means of re-test
spec 2
An item banked offering that is available off the shelf or can be blended within a larger assessment solution
spec 3
Can be used out of the box or can be contextualised to suit your business, brand or industry sector

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