Flexible, user-friendly video interview platform

Snapshot is an asynchronous innovative video interview platform that is convenient to access and easy to use.


Mobile ready video interviewing experiences that your applicant can complete anytime and anywhere

Ask your applicants your own questions and mark against your own scoring


Review candidates against your own scoring models

Shortlist your candidates and drive efficiencies in the latter stages of your hiring process


Standardized and efficient scoring capabilities that streamline your process

Scalable solutions as the adoption of video interviewing continues to rise

Why choose snapshot?


Enabling you to find best-matched candidates by focusing on the attributes needed for high performance


Helping to remove bias from the assessment process



Providing insight into what drives success in different roles within your business

How does it work?


Snapshot enables candidates to record video responses in response to a range of interview questions, including questions that require a written response and multiple choice.


Snapshot video interviews support assessment of written and verbal communication skills, alongside our strengths-based assessment methodology, to establish candidates’ engagement and capability for the role being assessed.


No apps are needed to use Snapshot, candidates can complete interviews in a time and location which is suitable for them, and recruiters can review responses at their convenience.


Recruiters score candidates’ responses online, and then share, sort and filter candidates with others in line with their application process. Once scoring has been completed, candidates will receive a feedback report detailing their strengths and development areas with guidance to support their ongoing development.

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